Ta Wan Restaurant

For me, weekend means having fun with my family: my cutie lil sister and brother, mom and dad. And we usually spend our time by having dinner together.

For dining, we love to eat at Ta Wan Restaurant. I can say this is the most favorite restaurant that we ever tried. We did come over and over again to this place, buat mesen menu yang sama setiap kedatangan (well, kadang menu lauk-nya gonta-ganti sesuai mood juga, sih). Kalau udah bosen dan butuh mencoba menu baru, sometimes I will feel confuse, soalnya pengen ganti menu tapi ngga mau nyobain yang ngga disuka. Kalau udah stuck, I will try to find recommendation from Open Snap.


Di Open Snap, we can see an honest review from other people, so I dont have to make any argument ataupun hipotesa yang berakhir dengan perasaan guilty karena udah memesan makanan yang salah πŸ˜‚

But first, let me introduce you to my favorite menu at this place:

Bubur Tiga Rasa Tawan

We always order the large size. Ya iyalah. Secara, yang makan biasanya lima mulut. Selama ini, from all the member of my family, ngga pernah ada yang complaint soal kualitas maupun cita rasa dari bubur ini. We love the meat, we love the shrimp, we love the taste, etc.
They will give you mangkuk berukuran kecil for each person, so you can give more sauce or ketchup or anything for your bowl of porridge as you want.

Jamur Enoki Goreng

Once you have a bite, you will never had enough for its crispiness LOL. But seriously, jamur ini enak banget. Mix with porridge or just munch it well will makes you feel happy 😁

Brokoli Tiga Jamur

The happiness starts here! Ngga ding, udah dari awal πŸ˜† At the picture, it looks more like jamur tiga brokoli ya? But hey, rasanya enak banget! Ayamnya yummy chewy, brokolinya fresh, bumbunya enak, tapi jamurnya selalu dihabiskan papa. So, I am rarely taste it πŸ˜‚

Fried Dory XO Sauce

I love you like XO 😍 I love fish, and I love their XO sauce. Mirip saus asam manis, tapi rasanya sedikit lebih gurih. Seriously as good as my words. Apalagi buat penggemar ikan, this fish is totally delicious!

Chinese Tea

Good food with good drink. I always enjoy the taste of those foods with this chinese tea. Rasanya… seimbang. Hehe. I cant describe it properly, tapi intinya aroma dan rasa teh ini enak buat jadi temen makan πŸ™‚

Nothing will goes wrong while you are having fun with family. Am I right?
See ya on my next review!

lots love,
gadis hujan πŸŒ‚

3 thoughts on “Ta Wan Restaurant

  1. Tempat makan favorit saya juga nih kalau sama keluarga. Cuma kadang waiting listnya aja gak nahan. Hehehe.

    Suka buburnya. Mie goreng. Jamur enokinya juga. Lumpia udangnya juga πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Komen gini aja jadi laper.


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